Saturday, October 22, 2011

Arabela is 5!!!!!!

October 14, A turned 5! I just cant believe I have a 5 year old...that morning I gave her the gift I got her..which was the magnetic "paper" dolls. Then her daddy, Addi, and myself sang happy bday to her with a brownie....I asked her what she wanted and she said brownies...and she put 5 candles in there. After the we all went to Target and she picked out a gift from her daddy, which was a Rapunzel Doll and Barbie Mermaidia movie. Then to finish the day...I took them to a fun playground for a bit. I believe she had a great 5th bday. The next day we were all excited about her bday party at Build-A-Bear........

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fall Hallow

We drove down the trace to go see the Waterfall....Fall Hallow. The girls LOVED so so peaceful and so much fun.
Daddy and A behind the waterfall

A was so excited about seeing a "itty bitty" fish....ha

My girls and I

She was soaked.

Addi loved being right underneath it. A not so much.

Arabela's WallArt

Arabela colors so well when she takes her time. And she loves to cut her pictures out. So I mentioned to her about glueing them on colored paper. And she loved the idea. So we displayed them on her bedroom wall since I dont have room on the fridge for all of them.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Playing at River Park! They loved it and of course both fell and were wet..Addi more than A. But it was so peaceful. A found some she is going to start a collection. Like mine, she said. It was a great morning..of riding bikes, playing on the playground (Addi mastered the ballance beam), and playing in the stream. Perfect weather!!
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