Monday, December 8, 2008

Addison Doc Appt

Addi had her 4 mth doctors appt this morning. While we were waiting for the doc I laid her on her stomach and she loved looking and talking to the "other baby". It was so cute. Then I sat her up after a while and she was laughing at the "other baby". Too cute!!
She weighs 15 lbs 11 oz and is 24 in long.
When A was 4 months she was 18 lbs and 26 in longs.


Paige said...

Aw! That is so sweet that Addison was talking to the "other baby"! Abby was 17lb and 3oz at 4 months.

The Parkers said...

How cute! I love it!
Haidyn was 14 pounds and ? ounces and 24 1/2 in at 4 months. I cant believe Addi is so short!